World Orphans Day (Ramadan 15, July 3 2015)

World Orphans Day was observed in Pakistan this year on Ramadan 15 (July 3 2015) under the banner, ‘All smile when an Orphan smiles’,

The World Orphans Day is an annual worldwide commemoration that facilitates the public awareness on the unfortunate condition of orphans children, because according to research and studies, every two seconds, somewhere around the globe, a child is being deprived of his or her right to belong to a family and have a normal life.

Qidwai Welfare Trust, was among the various local and international charities that participated in the commemoration of the ‘World Orphans Day’ in Islamabad, Pakistan. Here are a few photos of the QWT children and foster parents that attended the event.

WOD 2015b

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